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Melaleuca quinquenervia viridiflora

Anti-viral/septic/parasitic. Enhances life force and helps reduce the effects of radiation. Used for the healing of skin problems such as acne, burns, herpes, flatulence, and infected wounds. Relieves pain, spasms, inflammation, digestion issues, respiratory congestion, headaches (migraines), and joint pain. Supports lymphatic drainage, headaches, and earth’s love. Insect repellant. She is a true “workhorse” of essential oils.

Niaouli - MQV

  • It is soothing for the digestive system when dealing with gas, cramps, or upset stomach. Its antimicrobial activity can help keep germs at bay and may help inhibit the viruses encountered in daily life. Additionally, Niaouli Essential Oil can help soothe uninvited muscle spasms and help boost the immune system.

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