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Canarium luzonicum


Distilled from the resin. Anti-viral/fungal/bacterial/septic. Supports the immune system. Soothes cuts, wounds, and sore muscles. Used for varicose veins, gangrene, and abscesses. Nervine. Expectorant. Promotes breathing passages and eases nervous exhaustion. Calming, and relaxing. Mood uplifter, warmer. Helps to access inner feelings. She is the Sister to Frankincense because of similar aroma and chemical make-up. We believe she has her own power and inner beauty! Elemi means, “as above, so below” in Arabic.


  • Therapeutic Properties

    Elemi is often used for nervous exhaustion as is useful for muscle pain and tiredness. Elemi is an expectorant, providing a natural way to get relief from colds and congestion. It has the ability to loosen phlegm that clogs the breathing passages.

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